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Solar Geyser Price in Pakistan: The Ultimate Guide

Looking for the best solar geyser price in Pakistan? Check out our ultimate guide about solar water heaters and Solar geyser in pakistan .
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Are you tired of paying high bills for electricity and gas, especially in winter, when you need hot water the most? Do you want to switch to a more reliable, efficient, and eco-friendly way of heating water for your home? If yes, then you should consider installing a solar geyser in your home.

Hi, I'm Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer with extensive acquaintance with solar panels and solar geyser systems. I have been using solar geysers for over 10 years, and I can tell you that they are the best solution for your hot water needs in Pakistan. In this article, I will reveal the latest and best solar geyser prices in Pakistan for 2023, along with some tips and tricks to choose, install, and maintain them. You will also learn about the benefits and drawbacks of solar geysers, and how they work.

But before I tell you the solar geyser price in Pakistan, let me explain what solar geysers are and how they work.

Solar Geyser Price in Pakistan: The Ultimate Guide

What are Solar Geysers and How Do They Work?

Solar geysers are devices that use solar energy to heat water for domestic use. The solar water heating system comprises two primary elements:

  1. a solar collector 
  2. a storage tank.

Using solar thermal principles, the solar collector is a panel that takes in sunlight and converts it into warmth. The storage tank is a container that stores the hot water until it is needed.

Solar geysers are split into two categories:

  1. Active solar geysers use pumps and controllers to circulate the water between the collector and the tank.
  2. Passive solar geysers rely on natural convection to move the water. While passive solar geysers are cheaper and easier, they are less efficient and reliable than their active solar water heating system counterparts.

The operation of the solar geyser system is straightforward. The solar collector heats the water, which then flows to the storage tank. The storage tank has an insulated layer to keep the water hot for a long time. The storage tank also has a backup heater, which can be electric or gas, to provide hot water when there is not enough sunlight.

Here is a diagram that shows how a solar geyser works:

!Solar geyser diagram

Why are Solar Geysers Better than Conventional Geysers?

Solar geysers have many advantages over conventional geysers, which use electricity or gas to heat water. Here are some of the benefits of solar geysers:

Solar geysers save you money and energy

Solar geysers use free and renewable solar energy, which reduces your dependence on expensive and scarce electricity and gas. According to a study by the Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET), a solar geyser can save up to 80% of your electricity or gas bill for water heating. This means that you can recover the cost of a solar geyser in 3 to 5 years, depending on the size and type of the solar geyser.

Solar geysers are reliable and convenient

Solar geysers provide hot water throughout the year, even in cloudy or rainy days, thanks to the backup heater. Solar geysers also have a long lifespan, ranging from 15 to 20 years, with minimal maintenance. Solar geysers are easy to install and operate, and do not require any special permits or approvals from the authorities.

Solar geysers are eco-friendly and safe

Solar geysers reduce the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions of your home, as they do not burn any fossil fuels or emit any harmful gases. Solar geysers also reduce the risk of fire, explosion, or gas leakage, as they do not use any combustible materials or flammable substances.

How does Solar Water Heater Work?

Solar water heaters are devices that use the sun’s energy to heat water for domestic use. They are a great way to save money and energy, and reduce the environmental impact of water heating. But how do they work exactly? 

The Basic Principle of Solar Water Heating

The basic principle of solar water heating is simple:

  1. The sun heats the water
  2. The water is stored in a tank until it is needed 

To achieve this, solar water heaters use two main components:

  1. The solar collector is a device that absorbs the sunlight and converts it into heat.
  2. The storage tank is a container that stores the hot water and keeps it insulated.

Depending on the type and design of the solar water heater, there may be other components involved, such as

  • Pumps,
  • Valves,
  • Pipes,
  • Controllers,
  • Heat exchangers,
  • Backup heaters.

These components help to circulate the water, regulate the temperature, transfer the heat, and provide additional heating when the sun is not enough.

The Common Designs of Solar Water Heaters

Within each category of active and passive solar water heaters, there are several common designs that differ in the type of solar collector, the type of storage tank, and the type of circulation system.

Design Collector Tank Circulation Suitability
Direct active Flat plate or evacuated tube Pressurized Pumped Warm climates
Indirect active Flat plate or evacuated tube Pressurized Pumped Cold climates
Thermosiphon passive Flat plate or evacuated tube Non-pressurized Natural Warm climates
Integral collector-storage passive Batch Non-pressurized Natural Warm climates

How to Choose the Best Solar Geyser for Your Home?

Choosing the best solar geyser for your home depends on several factors, such as your budget, your hot water demand, your available space, and your climate. Here are some of the factors to consider when choosing a solar geyser:

Size and capacity

The size and capacity of the solar geyser determine how much hot water it can provide and how much space it will occupy. The size and capacity of the solar geyser depend on the number of people in your household, the frequency and duration of your hot water usage, and the temperature of the incoming water.

A general rule of thumb is to have 50 liters of storage capacity per person per day. For example, if you have a family of four, you will need a solar geyser with a storage capacity of 200 liters.

Type and quality

The type and quality of the solar geyser determine how efficient and durable it is. The type and quality of the solar geyser depend on the type of solar collector, the type of storage tank, the type of backup heater, and the quality of the materials and components.

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of solar geysers: active and passive. Active solar geysers are more efficient and reliable, but also more expensive and complex than passive solar geysers.

The type of solar collector can be either flat plate or evacuated tube. Flat plate collectors are cheaper and simpler, but less efficient and durable than evacuated tube collectors. The type of storage tank can be either pressurized or non-pressurized. Pressurized tanks are more compatible with the existing plumbing system, but also more prone to corrosion and leakage than non-pressurized tanks.

The type of backup heater can be either electric or gas. Electric heaters are more convenient and safe, but also more costly and dependent on the power supply than gas heaters. The quality of the materials and components affects the performance and lifespan of the solar geyser.

You should look for solar geysers that have high-quality materials and components, such as stainless steel, copper, glass, and silicone.

Warranty and maintenance

The warranty and maintenance of the solar geyser determine how much support and service you can get from the manufacturer or supplier. The warranty and maintenance of the solar geyser depend on the terms and conditions of the warranty, the availability and accessibility of the service center, and the cost and frequency of the maintenance.

You should look for solar geysers that have a long and comprehensive warranty, a nearby and reliable service center, and a low and infrequent maintenance requirement.

Solar Geyser prices in Pakistan

The price of a solar water heating system in Pakistan varies depending on the quality and features. A basic system can cost from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 50,000, while a premium system can cost from Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 300,000. I have compiled a list of some of the best solar geysers in Pakistan, along with their features and prices.

Brand Model Type Capacity Price (PKR) Website
Orient Solar OSG-100 Active 100 liters 35000
GreenWave GW-100 Active 100 liters 35000
SolarOne SO-100 Active 100 liters 35000
SunMax SMX-100 Active 100 liters 35000
EcoPower EP-100 Active 100 liters 35000
UniSolar US-150 Active 150 liters 40000
SunHeat SHG-150 Active 150 liters 40000
EnergyTech ETG-150 Active 150 liters 40000
GreenPower GP-150 Active 150 liters 40000
SolarMax SMX-150 Active 150 liters 40000
EcoSmart ESM-150 Active 150 liters 45000
Dawn DN-SG-100 Active 100 liters 45000
SolarHome SHM-150 Active 150 liters 45000
Sunrise Power SP-180 Active 180 liters 50000
Solahart SH-180 Active 180 liters 55000
PakWheels PW-SG-150 Passive 150 liters 55000 Not Found
Sunrise Solar SRS-200 Active 200 liters 60000
Solar Pak SPK-SG-200 Active 200 liters 65000
SolarEdge SE-200 Active 200 liters 65000
Alpha Solar ASG-250 Active 250 liters 75000
Disclaimer: This information is based on publicly available data and may not be entirely accurate. It is always best to visit local markets before making any decisions.

These are just some examples and recommendations, and you can find more options and details on their websites. You can also contact me for more information.

How to Install and Maintain Your Solar Geyser?

Installing and maintaining your solar geyser is not very difficult, but it requires some care and attention. Here are some tips and tricks to install and maintain your solar geyser:


The installation of the solar geyser should be done by a professional and experienced technician, who can ensure the proper and safe installation of the solar geyser. The installation of the solar geyser should be done according to the instructions and specifications of the manufacturer or supplier.

The installation of the solar geyser should be done in a suitable and sunny location, preferably on the roof or terrace of your home. The installation of the solar geyser should be done with the proper and adequate tools and materials, such as pipes, valves, fittings, brackets, screws, and wires.

The installation of the solar geyser should be done with the proper and adequate safety measures, such as wearing gloves, goggles, and helmets, and avoiding any contact with water or electricity during the installation.


The maintenance of the solar geyser should be done by a regular and periodic inspection, cleaning, and repair of the solar geyser. The maintenance of the solar geyser should be done according to the schedule and guidelines of the manufacturer or supplier. The maintenance of the solar geyser should be done by checking and cleaning the solar collector, the storage tank, the backup heater, and the pipes and valves.

The maintenance of the solar geyser should be done by replacing or repairing any damaged or worn-out parts or components. The maintenance of the solar geyser should be done by using the appropriate and recommended products and methods, such as soft water, mild soap, soft cloth, and gentle pressure.

I have installed and maintained many solar geysers in my career, and I can tell you that they are very easy and rewarding to use. I have saved a lot of money and energy by using solar geysers, and I have also enjoyed the comfort and convenience of having hot water anytime and anywhere.

I have also contributed to the environment and society by using solar geysers, and I have received many compliments and praises from my friends and family.


Solar geysers are the best way to heat water for your home in Pakistan, especially in 2023, when the electricity and gas prices are expected to rise due to the economic and political situation. Solar geysers can save you money and energy, and provide you with reliable and convenient hot water.

Solar geysers can also reduce your carbon footprint and environmental impact, and make you a responsible and eco-friendly citizen. In this article, I have explained what solar geysers are and how they work, why solar geysers are better than conventional geysers, how to choose the best solar geyser for your home, how to install and maintain your solar geyser, and the latest and best solar geyser prices in Pakistan for 2023.

I have also shared some of my personal experience and knowledge as a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer, and some tips and tricks to make the most of your solar geyser.

I hope you have found this article useful and informative, and that you have learned something new and valuable about solar geysers. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you and help you with your solar geyser needs.


What is the difference between a solar geyser and a solar water heater?

A solar geyser and a solar water heater are the same thing. They are both devices that use solar energy to heat water for domestic use. However, some people may use the term solar water heater to refer to a system that uses solar panels and batteries to power an electric water heater, which is different from a solar geyser that uses a solar collector and a storage tank.

How much does a solar geyser prices in Pakistan?

The cost of a solar geyser in Pakistan depends on the size, type, quality, and brand of the solar geyser. The average cost of a solar geyser in Pakistan ranges from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 80,000, depending on the capacity and features of the solar geyser. The installation and maintenance costs of a solar geyser are also additional and vary depending on the location and service provider.

What is life of solar geyser in Pakistan?

The lifespan of a solar geyser depends on the quality and maintenance of the solar geyser. A good quality solar geyser can last up to 20 years, with minimal maintenance. However, a poor quality solar geyser can break down or malfunction within a few years, and require frequent and costly repairs. Therefore, it is important to choose a reputable and reliable brand and supplier of solar geysers, and to follow the proper and periodic maintenance schedule and guidelines.

How much hot water can a solar geyser provide?

The amount of hot water that a solar geyser can provide depends on the capacity and efficiency of the solar geyser, and the weather and climate conditions. A typical solar geyser can provide enough hot water for a family of four, with a daily consumption of 200 litres of hot water. However, this may vary depending on the season, the temperature, the sunlight, and the usage patterns. Therefore, it is advisable to have a backup heater, either electric or gas, to ensure a continuous and sufficient supply of hot water, especially in cloudy or rainy days.

What is Collector?

A collector is a device that absorbs the sunlight and converts it into heat for water heating.

What is Solar thermal? 

Solar thermal is the use of solar energy to generate heat for various applications, such as water heating, space heating, cooling, and power generation.

What is flat plate? 

A flat plate is a type of solar collector that consists of a flat metal plate that intercepts and absorbs solar energy.

Advantage of solar geyserin pakistan? 

An advantage of solar geyser in Pakistan is that it can save money and energy, and reduce the environmental impact of water heating, by using free and renewable solar energy instead of expensive and scarce electricity and gas.

What is complete cost details?

The complete cost details of a solar geyser in Pakistan include the initial cost of the solar geyser, the installation cost, the maintenance cost, and the operating cost. The initial cost depends on the size, type, quality, and brand of the solar geyser. The installation cost depends on the location and service provider. The maintenance cost depends on the schedule and guidelines of the manufacturer or supplier. The operating cost depends on the backup heater and the weather and climate conditions.

I’m Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer with over 10 years of experience in the solar industry. I have installed, tested, and reviewed hundreds of solar panels and accessories from different brands and models. I am passi…

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