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How Mono PERC Solar Panels Can Save You Money and Energy?

Are you looking for the best solar panels for your home or business? Discover how mono-perc solar panels can help you save money and energy.
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Key takeaways

  • Mono perc solar panels are more efficient, durable, and cost-effective than other solar panels.
  • Mono perc solar panels use a special technology that enhances the performance of the solar cells and reduces the losses due to heat and shading.
  • Mono perc solar panels can produce more power in low-light and high-temperature conditions, making them ideal for Pakistan’s climate and geography.
  • Mono perc solar panels have a longer lifespan and warranty than other solar panels, saving you money and hassle in the long run.
  • Mono perc solar panels are easy to choose, install, and maintain if you follow some simple tips and recommendations.

How Mono PERC Solar Panels Can Save You Money and Energy

Solar energy is one of the world's most abundant and clean energy sources. It can help you reduce electricity bills, lower your carbon footprint, and increase energy independence. However, not all solar panels are created equal. Some solar panels are more efficient, durable, and cost-effective than others. And one of the best types of solar panels that you can get is the mono-perc solar panel.

Hi, I'm Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer with wide experience in dealing with solar panels. I have worked in the solar industry for over 10 years and have installed and maintained hundreds of solar systems for homes and businesses in Pakistan and abroad.  I have helped many people make informed decisions about their solar investments.

I am writing this article because I faced a lot of problems while conducting my research on solar panels. There is a lot of confusion and misinformation about the different types of solar panels and their features and benefits. I also realized that many people need to be aware of the latest innovations and developments in the solar industry, especially the mono-perc solar panel technology. That's why I decided to share my knowledge and experience about mono-perc solar panels and how they can benefit the general people of Pakistan.

What are Mono PERC Solar Panels, and How Do They Work?

Mono perc solar panels are a type of solar panel that uses a special technology called PERC, which stands for Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell. PERC is a technology that adds a thin layer of material on the back of the solar cell to reflect the light that passes through the cell and increase the efficiency of the solar panel. The material used for the PERC layer is usually aluminum oxide, silicon nitride, or silicon oxide.

The PERC layer creates a passivation effect, which prevents the electrons from recombining with the holes in the solar cell so, more electrons can flow through the circuit and generate more electricity. The PERC layer also works by creating a reflection effect, which reflects the light that passes through the cell back to the cell, giving it another chance to be absorbed and converted into electricity. This way, more light can be utilized and wasted less.

Mono-perc solar panels are made of monocrystalline silicon cells, which are cells that are cut from a single crystal of silicon. Monocrystalline silicon cells are uniform and smooth, usually dark blue or black. Monocrystalline silicon cells have a higher efficiency and purity than other silicon cells, such as polycrystalline or thin-film. Monocrystalline silicon cells can withstand higher temperatures and perform better in low-light conditions.

Mono perc solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity, which can then be used to power your appliances or devices or stored in a battery for later use. Alternatively, you can use an inverter to convert the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, the standard type used in most homes and businesses. You can also connect your mono-perc solar panel system to the grid and sell the excess electricity to the utility company or get credits for the electricity you use from the grid when your solar panel is not producing enough power.

Here is an image that shows the Structure and components of a mono-perc solar panel:

Process and means of how a mono-perc solar panel converts sunlight into electricity

Mono perc solar panels are not the only type available in the market. Other types of solar panels use different materials and technologies, such as: 
  • Polycrystalline, 
  • Thin-film
  • Bifacial. 
Here is a table that shows the comparison of mono-perc solar panels with other types of solar panels:

Solar Panel Specifications

Type Material Technology Efficiency Power Output Degradation Temperature Coefficient
Mono PERC Mono crystalline silicon PERC 18-22% 300-400 W 0.5-0.7% per year -0.35% per °C
Poly Poly crystalline silicon Standard 15-17% 250-300 W 0.7-0.9% per year -0.4% per °C
Thin-film Amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium selenide Thin-film 10-13% 100-150 W 1-2% per year -0.2% per °C
Bifacial Mono crystalline silicon Bifacial 18-22% 300-400 W 0.5-0.7% per year -0.35% per °C

Why are Mono PERC Solar Panels Better than Other Types of Solar Panels?

There are many reasons why mono-perc solar panels are superior to different types of solar panels, I will explain them in detail.

Higher efficiency and power output

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a solar panel is its efficiency and power output. Efficiency is the ratio of the electrical energy produced by the solar panel to the solar energy received by the solar panel. Power output is the electricity the solar panel can generate under standard test conditions. The higher the efficiency and power output, the more electricity you can get from the same amount of sunlight and space.

Mono perc solar panels have a higher efficiency and power output than other types of solar panels because they use the PERC technology that enhances the performance of the solar cells and reduces the losses due to heat and shading. 

  • Efficiency of 18-22%, 3-5% higher than polycrystalline solar panels, and 8-12% higher than thin-film solar panels. 
  • Power output of 300-400 W, 50-100 W higher than polycrystalline solar panels, and 200-300 W higher than thin-film solar panels.

Lower degradation and temperature coefficient

Degradation is the decrease in the efficiency and power output of the solar panel over time due to exposure to sunlight. Temperature coefficient is the change in the efficiency and power output of the solar panel per degree Celsius of temperature change. The lower the degradation and temperature coefficient, the more stable and reliable the solar panel is.

Mono perc solar panels have a lower degradation and temperature coefficient than other solar panels because they use the PERC technology that reduces the effects of LID (Light Induced Degradation, a phenomenon that causes the solar cell to lose some of its efficiency over time due to exposure to sunlight) and PID (Potential Induced Degradation, a phenomenon that causes the solar cell to lose some of its efficiency due to high voltage and humidity), which are the main causes of degradation in solar panels.

Mono-perc solar panels have a degradation rate of 0.5-0.7% per year, 0.2-0.4% lower than polycrystalline solar panels, and 0.5-1.5% lower than thin-film solar panels. Mono-perc solar panels also have a temperature coefficient of -0.35% per °C, 0.05% lower than polycrystalline solar panels, and 0.15% lower than thin-film solar panels.

Suppose you have a 5 kW solar system with mono-perc solar panels. In that case, you can expect it to produce 4.75 kW after 10 years, 4.5 kW after 20 years, and 4.25 kW after 30 years. 

Comparison of degradation and temperature coefficient of different types of solar panels:

Type Degradation Temperature Coefficient
Mono PERC 0.5-0.7% per year -0.35% per °C
Poly 0.7-0.9% per year -0.4% per °C
Thin-film 1-2% per year -0.2% per °C

Better performance in low-light and high-temperature conditions

Another factor to consider when choosing a solar panel is its performance in low-light and high-temperature conditions. 
  • Low-light conditions are situations where the sunlight is not direct or strong, such as cloudy, rainy, foggy days or early morning or late evening hours. 
  • High-temperature conditions are situations where the ambient temperature is higher than the standard test condition of 25 °C, such as summer days or hot and humid regions. The better the performance in low-light and high-temperature conditions, the more consistent and reliable the solar panel is.

Mono perc solar panels perform better in low-light and high-temperature conditions than other types of solar panels because they use the PERC technology that improves the absorption and conversion of light and reduces the losses due to heat. 

Mono perc solar panels can produce more power in low-light conditions because they can capture more light from the back of the solar cell and use it to generate more electricity. Mono perc solar panels can also produce more power in high-temperature conditions because they have a lower temperature coefficient, which means they lose less efficiency and power output when the temperature rises.

It means that mono-perc solar panels can produce more electricity in different weather and climate conditions, which can help you save money and energy in the long run.
Solar Panel Type Cloudy Day (kW) Rainy Day (kW) Foggy Day (kW)
Mono PERC 4.5 4.2 4.0
Poly 4.2 3.9 3.7
Thin-film 4.0 3.7 3.5

Longer lifespan and warranty

Lifespan is when the solar panel can operate and produce electricity and power output at a certain efficiency level. Warranty is the guarantee or promise that the solar panel manufacturer or supplier provides to the customer if the solar panel fails or malfunctions within a certain period. The longer the lifespan and warranty, the more durable and trustworthy the solar panel is.

Mono perc solar panels have a longer lifespan and warranty than other types of solar panels because they use the PERC technology that reduces degradation and increases the stability of the solar panel.

Mono-perc solar panels have a lifespan of 25-30 years, which is 5-10 years longer than polycrystalline solar panels and 10-15 years longer than thin-film solar panels. Mono-perc solar panels also have a warranty of 25-30 years, which is 5-10 years longer than polycrystalline solar panels and 10-15 years longer than thin-film solar panels.

Lower cost and maintenance

Mono perc solar panels have a lower cost and maintenance than other types of solar panels because they use the PERC technology that reduces the material and labor costs and increases the reliability and durability of the solar panel. Mono-perc solar panels have a lower material cost than other solar panels because they use less silicon and other materials to produce the same amount of power. Mono perc solar panels also have a lower labor cost than different solar panels because they require less installation time and effort and less wiring and mounting equipment.

Mono-perc solar panels can save you money and hassle in the long run because they have a lower initial and ongoing cost and a lower maintenance requirement. For example, if you have a 5 kW solar system with mono perc solar panels, you can expect to pay around Rs. 500,000 for the solar panel, Rs. 100,000 for the installation, and Rs. 10,000 for the annual maintenance. 

If you have a 5 kW solar system with polycrystalline solar panels, you can expect to pay around Rs. 400,000 for the solar panel, Rs. 150,000 for the installation, and Rs. 15,000 for the annual maintenance. If you have a 5 kW solar system with thin-film solar panels, you can expect to pay around Rs. 300,000 for the solar panel, Rs. 200,000 for the installation, and Rs. 20,000 for the annual maintenance.

How do you choose the best mono PERC solar panel for your needs?

Now that you know why mono-perc solar panels are better than other solar panels, you might wonder how to choose the best one for your needs. Well, there are many factors and criteria to consider when selecting a mono-perc solar panel for your home or business, and in this section, I will explain them in detail. Here are the main factors and criteria to consider when choosing a mono-perc solar panel for your needs:

Size and capacity

Type Size Capacity
Mono PERC 1.65 x 0.99 m 300 W
Poly 1.65 x 0.99 m 250 W
Thin-film 1.2 x 0.6 m 100 W

Brand and quality

Brand Model Efficiency Power Output Degradation Temperature Coefficient
LG LG NeON 2 0.217 400 W 0.33% per year -0.36% per °C
Trina Solar Trina Honey M Plus 0.204 355 W 0.55% per year -0.37% per °C
Canadian Solar Canadian HiKu 0.203 405 W 0.5% per year -0.35% per °C
Jinko Solar Jinko Cheetah 0.202 400 W 0.5% per year -0.35% per °C
JA Solar JA JAM60S10 0.199 340 W 0.5% per year -0.35% per °C

Warranty and service

Type Warranty Service
Mono PERC 25-30 years 25-30 years
Poly 20-25 years 20-25 years
Thin-film 10-15 years 10-15 years


In this article, I have explained mono perc solar panels and their work. I have also compared and contrasted them with other types of solar panels, such as poly, thin-film, and bifacial. I have shown you why mono-perc solar panels are better than different types of solar panels in terms of efficiency, performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness. I have also given you some tips and recommendations on choosing the best mono-perc solar panel for your needs and installing and maintaining it properly and safely.

If you like our article, please share it with others and help us grow. Comment below and let us know what you think about mono-perc solar panels. We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you might have. Thank you for reading, and have a great day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does PERC stand for in solar panels?

PERC stands for Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell, which is a technology that adds a thin layer of material on the back of the solar cell to reflect the light and increase the efficiency.

How much more efficient are mono-perc solar panels than regular solar panels?

Mono perc solar panels are more efficient than regular solar panels by 3-5% for polycrystalline solar panels and 8-12% for thin-film solar panels. For example, a traditional mono c-Si panel has a 19.55% efficiency, but this efficiency increases by 0.86% to achieve 20.41% for mono perc solar panels.

What are the advantages of mono-perc solar panels over other solar panels?

Mono perc solar panels have many advantages over other types of solar panels, such as:

  • Higher efficiency and power output means more electricity from the same amount of sunlight and space.
  • Lower degradation and temperature coefficient means better performance and durability over time and in different weather and climate conditions.
  • Better performance in low-light and high-temperature conditions, which means more consistent and reliable electricity generation.
  • Longer lifespan and warranty, which means more security and satisfaction for the customer.
  • Lower cost and maintenance means more economical and convenient solar investment. 
What are the disadvantages of mono-perc solar panels compared to other solar panels?

Mono perc solar panels have some disadvantages compared to other types of solar panels, such as:

  • Higher material and labor costs, which means higher initial and ongoing expenses for the solar panel.
  • Lower availability and accessibility means lower supply and demand for solar panels in the market and industry.
  • Higher environmental impact means higher consumption of raw materials and energy and higher generation of waste and pollution for solar panel production and disposal. 
How do I choose the best mono-perc solar panel for my needs?

To choose the best mono-perc solar panel for your needs, you need to consider the following factors and criteria:

  • Size and capacity, which determine how much space you need and how much electricity you get from the solar panel.
  • Brand and quality determine how trustworthy and satisfactory the solar panel is.
  • Price and budget, which determine how affordable and feasible the solar panel is.
  • Warranty and service, which determine how secure and satisfied the customer is.
  • Location and orientation, which determine how much sunlight and heat the solar panel receives and how much electricity the solar panel produces.
  • Installation and maintenance, which determine how easy and cheap the solar panel is to set up and keep. 
How much does a mono-perc solar panel cost in Pakistan?

The cost of a mono-perc solar panel in Pakistan depends on the size, capacity, brand, quality, and location of the solar panel, market demand and supply, and government policies and incentives. The average cost of a mono-perc solar panel in Pakistan is around Rs. 100-150 per watt, which includes the cost of the solar panel itself, the installation, and the operation and maintenance. For example, if you want to buy a mono-perc solar panel with a size of 1.65 x 0.99 m and a capacity of 300 W, you can expect to pay around Rs. 30,000-45,000 for the solar panel. If you want to install a 5 kW solar system with mono perc solar panels, you can expect to pay around Rs. 500,000-750,000 for the solar system.

How long does a mono-perc solar panel last?

The lifespan of a mono-perc solar panel depends on the brand, quality, and location of the solar panel, as well as the degradation and temperature coefficient of the solar panel. The average lifespan of a mono-perc solar panel is 25-30 years, which means that the solar panel can operate and produce electricity at a certain level of efficiency and power output for that period. For example, if you have a mono-perc solar panel with an efficiency of 20% and a power output of 300 W, you can expect it to have an efficiency of 17% and a power output of 255 W after 25 years and an efficiency of 15% and a power output of 225 W after 30 years.

How much energy can a mono-perc solar panel produce?

The energy production of a mono-perc solar panel depends on the size, capacity, and location of the solar panel, as well as the solar potential and the solar radiation. The average energy production of a mono-perc solar panel is around 1.2-1.5 kWh per day per 100 W of capacity, which means that the solar panel can produce that amount of electricity per day for every 100 W of power output. For example, if you have a mono perc solar panel with a size of 1.65 x 0.99 m and a capacity of 300 W, and you live in Lahore, which has a solar potential of 5.5 kWh/m2/day and a solar radiation of 1,000 W/m2, you can expect the solar panel to produce around 3.6-4.5 kWh of electricity per day.

How much space does a mono-perc solar panel need?

The space requirement of a mono-perc solar panel depends on the size and capacity of the solar panel, as well as the roof space and the roof design of the solar panel. The average space requirement of a mono-perc solar panel is around 1.65 m2 per 100 W of capacity, which means that the solar panel needs that amount of roof area for every 100 W of power output. For example, if you want to install a 5 kW solar system with mono perc solar panels, and each solar panel has a size of 1.65 x 0.99 m and a capacity of 300 W, you will need 17 solar panels to make up the solar system, and they will occupy 28.5 m2 of your roof space.

How do I clean and maintain my mono-perc solar panel?

The cleaning and maintenance of a mono-perc solar panel depends on the brand, quality, and location of the solar panel and the dust, dirt, water, and corrosion of the solar panel. A mono-perc solar panel's average cleaning and maintenance is once every month. You need to perform some tasks and activities to keep the solar panel in good condition and at optimal performance for that period. For example, if you have a mono-perc solar panel, you need to do the following things to clean and maintain it:

  • Use a soft cloth or a sponge and some water or mild detergent to gently wipe the solar panel's surface and remove any dust, dirt, bird droppings, or leaves that may have accumulated on the solar panel.
  • Use a soft brush or a hose and some water to rinse the surface of the solar panel thoroughly and remove any residue or stains that may have remained on the solar panel.
  • Use a dry cloth or a towel to dry the surface of the solar panel completely and prevent any water spots or marks that may affect the efficiency and power output of the solar panel.
  • Use a multimeter or a voltmeter to check the voltage and current of the solar panel and ensure that they are within the normal range and consistent with the solar panel's specifications.
  • Use a visual inspection to check the condition and the performance of the solar panel and ensure that there are no cracks, breaks, or malfunctions that may affect the efficiency and power output of the solar panel. 

I’m Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer with over 10 years of experience in the solar industry. I have installed, tested, and reviewed hundreds of solar panels and accessories from different brands and models. I am passi…

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