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Choose the Best Mono Solar Panel for Your Home in Pakistan

Mono solar panels are the most efficient and durable type but are expensive. How can you find the best mono solar panel?
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Key points

  • Mono solar panels are solar panels that are made from single-crystal silicon cells, which have higher efficiency, durability, and performance than poly solar panels, which are made from multiple-crystal silicon cells. 
  • However, mono solar panels are more expensive, less available, and more environmentally impactful than poly solar panels.
  • To choose the best mono solar panel for your home in Pakistan, you need to follow these steps: determine your energy needs and budget, check the availability and quality of the solar panels in your area, compare the features and prices of different brands and models of mono solar panels, read the reviews and ratings of the mono solar panels from other customers, and consult a professional solar installer for advice and installation.
  • Installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan can offer you many benefits, such as saving money on your electricity bills, increasing the value of your home, reducing your carbon footprint, enjoying the reliability of your solar system, and taking advantage of the government incentives and subsidies for solar energy.
  • Installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan can also pose some challenges and risks, such as the high upfront cost and long payback period of the solar system, the lack of standardisation and regulation of the solar industry in Pakistan, the potential theft and vandalism of the solar panels, the maintenance and repair issues of the solar system, and the weather and climate conditions that may affect the solar production.
Choose the Best Mono Solar Panel for Your Home in Pakistan


Mono solar panel

Poly solar panel

Power output

300 W

250 W

Temperature coefficient



Degradation rate



Performance ratio



Hi, I’m Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer with over 20 years of experience dealing with solar panels. I’m also the founder of Solareco, a website that provides informational articles about solar panels and accessories. I will share my tips and tricks on choosing the best mono solar panel for your home in Pakistan.

Solar energy is one of the world's most abundant and clean energy sources, and Pakistan is blessed with plenty of sunshine throughout the year. However, not all solar panels are created equal, and choosing the right one for your home can be daunting. There are many factors to consider, such as the solar panel's type, size, efficiency, durability, and cost. One of the most common questions is: what is the difference between mono and poly solar panels, and which is better? I will answer this question and help you find the best mono solar panel for your home in Pakistan.

What are mono solar panels, and how do they work?

Mono solar panels are solar panels that are made from single-crystal silicon cells. These cells are cut from a large cylindrical ingot of pure silicon in a controlled environment. Cutting the silicon ingot is expensive and complex, but it produces high-quality, uniform cells with a smooth and dark appearance.

Mono solar panels are solar panels that are made from single-crystal silicon cells

Mono solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity. When sunlight hits the surface of the solar panel, it is absorbed by the silicon cells, which generate an electric current. The electric current is then collected by metal wires attached to the cells and transferred to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). The AC electricity can power your home appliances or be stored in a battery system for later use.

Advantages of Mono Solar Panels 

The main advantages of mono solar panels are:

  • They have the highest efficiency of all types of solar panels, which means they can produce more electricity from the same amount of sunlight. The average efficiency of mono solar panels is around 20%, compared to 15% for poly solar panels.

  • They have the longest lifespan of all solar panels, meaning they can last more than 25 years with minimal degradation. The degradation rate of mono solar panels is around 0.5% per year, compared to 0.8% for poly solar panels.

  • They have the best performance in low-light and high-temperature conditions, which means they can maintain their output even when the weather is cloudy or hot. The temperature coefficient of mono solar panels is around -0.35% per degree Celsius, compared to -0.45% for poly solar panels.

  • They have the most aesthetic appeal of all types of solar panels, which means they can enhance the look and value of your home. Mono solar panels have a sleek and uniform design, with no visible gaps or patterns between the cells.

Disadvantages of mono solar panels 

The main disadvantages of mono solar panels are:

  • They have the highest cost of all types of solar panels, requiring a larger upfront investment and a longer payback period. The average price of mono solar panels is around $0.8 per watt, compared to $0.6 for poly solar panels.

  • They have the lowest availability of all solar panels, so they may be harder to find and buy in your area. Mono solar panels are produced in limited quantities and are in high demand, especially in developed countries.

  • They have the highest environmental impact of all solar panels, meaning they consume more energy and resources during production. Mono solar panels require more silicon, water, and electricity to manufacture and generate more waste and emissions.

What are poly solar panels, and how do they work?

Poly solar panels are solar panels that are made from multiple-crystal silicon cells. These cells are formed from fragments of silicon that are melted and poured into a square mould, which is then cooled and cut into wafers. The process of melting and moulding the silicon fragments is cheaper and simpler than growing and cutting the silicon ingot. Still, it results in lower-quality and irregular cells with a blue and speckled appearance.

Poly solar panels are solar panels that are made from multiple-crystal silicon cells

Poly solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity, just like mono solar panels. However, because of the lower quality and irregularity of the silicon cells, poly solar panels have lower efficiency and durability than mono solar panels. They also have lower performance in low-light and high-temperature conditions, producing less electricity when cloudy or hot weather.

Advantages of Poly Solar Panels

The main advantages of poly solar panels are:

  • They have the lowest solar panels cost, making them more affordable and accessible for most people. The average cost of poly solar panels is around $0.6 per watt, compared to $0.8 for mono solar panels.

  • They have the highest availability of all types of solar panels, making them easier to find and buy in your area. Poly solar panels are produced in large quantities and are widely distributed, especially in developing countries.

  • They have the lowest environmental impact of all solar panels, meaning they use less energy and resources during production. Poly solar panels require less silicon, water, and electricity to manufacture and generate less waste and emissions.

Disadvantages of Poly Solar Panels 

The main disadvantages of poly solar panels are:

  • They have the lowest efficiency of all types of solar panels, which means they need more space and sunlight to produce the same amount of electricity. The average efficiency of poly solar panels is around 15%, compared to 20% for mono solar panels.

  • They have the shortest lifespan of all solar panels, meaning they degrade faster and must be replaced sooner. The degradation rate of poly solar panels is around 0.8% per year, compared to 0.5% for mono solar panels.
  • They have the worst performance in low-light and high-temperature conditions, which means they lose more output when the weather is cloudy or hot. The temperature coefficient of poly solar panels is around -0.45% per degree Celsius, compared to -0.35% for mono solar panels.

  • They have the least aesthetic appeal of all types of solar panels, which means they may not suit the style and design of your home. Poly solar panels have a dull and uneven design, with visible gaps and patterns between the cells.

How do you compare mono and poly solar panels?

Now that you know what mono and poly solar panels are and how they work, you may wonder how to compare them and decide which is better for your home. When comparing mono and poly solar panels, you must consider several factors, such as their power output, temperature coefficient, degradation rate, and performance ratio. Let me explain what these factors mean and how they affect the performance and cost of the solar panels.

Power output

The solar panels can produce electricity under standard test conditions (STC), which are 1000 W/m2 of sunlight, 25°C of temperature, and 1.5 of air mass. The power output is measured in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW), and it determines how many solar panels you need to meet your energy needs. The higher the power output, the fewer solar panels you need and the less space you need to install them. 

Mono solar panels have higher power output than poly solar panels because they are more efficient and can convert more sunlight into electricity. A typical 60-cell mono solar panel can have a power output of 300 W, while a standard 60-cell poly solar panel can have a power output of 250 W.

Temperature coefficient 

It is the rate at which the solar panel's power output decreases as the temperature increases. The temperature coefficient is measured in percentage per degree Celsius (%/°C), indicating how well the solar panel can handle heat. The lower the temperature coefficient, the better the solar panel can perform in hot climates and the less output it loses due to temperature. 

Mono solar panels have a lower temperature coefficient than poly solar panels because they have better heat tolerance and can maintain their output even when the temperature is high. A typical mono solar panel can have a temperature coefficient of -0.35%/°C, while a standard poly solar panel can have a temperature coefficient of -0.45%/°C. 

It means that for every 1°C increase in temperature, the mono solar panel will lose 0.35% of its power output, while the poly solar panel will lose 0.45% of its power output.

Degradation rate

It is the rate at which the solar panel's power output decreases over time due to ageing, wear and tear, and environmental factors. The degradation rate is measured in percentage per year (%/year), indicating how long the solar panel can last and retain its efficiency.

The lower the degradation rate, the longer the lifespan of the solar panel and the less output it loses over time. Mono solar panels have a lower degradation rate than poly solar panels because they have higher durability and can resist damage and corrosion better. 

A typical mono solar panel can have a degradation rate of 0.5%/year, while a standard poly solar panel can have a degradation rate of 0.8%/year. It means that after 25 years, the mono solar panel will retain 87.5% of its original power output, while the poly solar panel will retain 80% of its actual power output.

Performance ratio 

It is the ratio of the actual power output of the solar panel to the theoretical power output under STC. The performance ratio is measured in percentage (%), reflecting the solar panel's overall efficiency and quality. The higher the performance ratio, the better the solar panel can perform in real-world conditions and the more output it can deliver.

Mono solar panels have a higher performance ratio than poly solar panels because they perform better in low-light and high-temperature conditions and less losses due to wiring, shading, and dirt.

A typical mono solar panel can have a performance ratio of 80%, while a standard poly solar panel can have a performance ratio of 75%. It means that the mono solar panel can produce 80% of its theoretical power output under STC, while the poly solar panel can produce 75% of its theoretical power output under STC.

Comparison of mono and poly solar panels


Mono solar panel

Poly solar panel

Power output

300 W

250 W

Temperature coefficient



Degradation rate



Performance ratio



As you can see, mono solar panels have higher values for all four factors than poly solar panels, which means they have better performance and quality. However, this does not mean that mono solar panels are always the best choice for your home. You need to consider other factors, such as the availability, cost, and installation of solar panels, which I will discuss in the next section.

How to choose the best mono solar panel for your home in Pakistan?

Now that you know how to compare mono and poly solar panels, you may be ready to choose the best mono solar panel for your home in Pakistan. However, before you make your final decision, there are some steps that you need to follow to ensure that you get the most suitable and cost-effective solar system for your home. Here are the steps that I recommend you to take:

mono solar panel features

Determine your energy needs and budget. 

The first step is to figure out how much electricity you use and how much you can afford to spend on your solar system. You can do this by examining your electricity bills and calculating your average monthly kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumption. You can also use an online solar calculator to estimate your energy needs and potential savings based on location, roof size, and electricity tariff. Once you have your energy needs and budget, you can decide how big and powerful your solar system should be and how much you are willing to pay.

Availability and Quality of the solar panels

The second step is to find out what kind of solar panels are available and reliable in your area. You can do this by searching online, visiting local solar shops, or asking for referrals from your friends and neighbours who have installed solar panels. You should look for solar panels that have high efficiency, durability, and warranty and that are certified by reputable organisations, such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), or the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA). You should also check the reviews and ratings of the solar panels from other customers and avoid buying cheap, low-quality solar panels that may only last for a while or perform well.

Brand Model Features Price
ZNShine Solar ZXM6-NH120-370/M 9 busbar, 120 half-cell, black backsheet, silver frame, 19.6% efficiency, 370 W power output, -0.36%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $195.00
Emmvee E395M72-B 72 cell, all-black, 19.8% efficiency, 395 W power output, -0.37%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $210.00
Trina Solar TSM-390-DE09C.07 120 half-cell, all-black, multi busbar, 19.7% efficiency, 390 W power output, -0.35%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $230.00
Silfab Solar SIL-370-HC 120 half-cell, all-black, 19.9% efficiency, 370 W power output, -0.34%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $240.00
Axitec Solar AC-400MBT/108V 108 half-cut, bifacial, black backsheet, silver frame, 20.4% efficiency, 400 W power output, -0.35%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $240.00
Canadian Solar CS3N-390MS 132 half-cell, all-black, 19.5% efficiency, 390 W power output, -0.37%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $250.00
Hyundai Solar HiS-S400YH (BK) 132 half-cut, bifacial, all-black, 20.1% efficiency, 400 W power output, -0.35%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $250.00
SEG Solar SEG-410-MB 108 half-cell, all-black, 20.2% efficiency, 410 W power output, -0.34%/°C temperature coefficient, 0.5%/year degradation rate $260.00

Compare the features and prices of different brands and models of mono solar panels.

The third step is to compare the features and prices of different brands and models of mono solar panels that meet your energy needs and budget. You can do this by using online comparison tools, reading product specifications and brochures, or asking for quotations from different solar companies.

You should compare the power output, temperature coefficient, degradation rate, and performance ratio of the mono solar panels and their size, weight, design, and warranty. You should also compare the cost per watt and the payback period of the mono solar panels and look for the best value for money.

Reviews and ratings of the mono solar panels from other customers.

The fourth step is to read the reviews and ratings of the mono solar panels you have shortlisted from other customers who have bought and used them. You can do this by browsing online forums, blogs, and social media platforms or asking for feedback from your friends and neighbours who have installed mono solar panels.

Reviews and ratings of the mono solar panels from other customers.

You should look for honest and unbiased opinions and pay attention to the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages, and the problems and solutions of the mono solar panels. You should also look for testimonials and case studies that show the real-life performance and results of the mono solar panels.

Consult a professional solar. 

The fifth and final step is to consult a professional solar installer for your mono solar panel system installation. You can do this by contacting a reputable and trustworthy solar company or installer in your area or asking for recommendations from your friends and neighbours who have installed solar panels. You should look for a solar installer with experience and expertise installing mono solar panels that offers quality service and support.

You should also look for a solar installer that offers a free site survey, a customised design, a competitive price, a fast and safe installation, and a comprehensive warranty and maintenance.

By following these steps, you can choose the best mono solar panel for your home in Pakistan and enjoy the benefits of solar energy for years to come.

What are the benefits of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan?

If you have decided to install mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan, you have made a wise and eco-friendly choice. Mono solar panels can offer you many benefits, both in the short and long term. Here are some of the benefits that you can enjoy from installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan:

benefits of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan

Save money on your electricity bills

One of the most obvious and immediate benefits of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan is that you can save money on your electricity bills and reduce your dependence on the grid. By generating your electricity from the sun, you can avoid paying the high and fluctuating rates of the grid and use the excess electricity to earn credits or sell it back to the grid. You can also avoid power outages and load shedding, which are common and frustrating problems in Pakistan. Depending on your energy consumption and solar system size, you can save up to 80% on your electricity bills and recover your initial investment in as little as 5 years.

The attractiveness of your home

Another benefit of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan is that you can increase the value and attractiveness of your home. Mono solar panels can enhance the look and design of your home, as they have a sleek and uniform appearance that blends well with your roof. They can also make your home more appealing and desirable to potential buyers, as they indicate that it is modern, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly. According to some studies, solar panels can increase the value of your home by up to 10% and make it sell faster than homes without solar panels.

Contribute to Environmental Sustainability

Contribute to Environmental Sustainability

A third benefit of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan is that you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability. Mono solar panels can help you reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels, the main causes of global warming and climate change. By using clean and renewable energy from the sun, you can prevent the release of harmful pollutants and toxins into the air, water, and soil and protect the health and well-being of yourself, your family, and your community. You can also support the national and global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, which aim to combat climate change and promote green energy.

Reliability and Durability 

A fourth benefit of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan is that you can enjoy the reliability and durability of your solar system. Mono solar panels are the most efficient and durable type of solar panels, which means they can produce more electricity and last longer than other solar panels. They can withstand harsh weather conditions, such as high temperatures, strong winds, heavy rains, and dust storms, and maintain their output and quality. They also have a long warranty period, usually 25 years or more, covering any defects or damages during operation. You can rest assured that your solar system will work smoothly and safely for decades, with minimal maintenance and repair costs.

These are some benefits of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan. However, installing mono solar panels has challenges and risks, which you must be aware of and prepared for. In the next section, I will discuss some of the challenges and risks of installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan and how to overcome them.


Mono solar panels are the most efficient and durable type but are expensive. They can offer you many benefits, such as saving money on your electricity bills, increasing the value of your home, reducing your carbon footprint, enjoying the reliability of your solar system, and taking advantage of government incentives and subsidies. However, they can also pose some challenges and risks, such as the high upfront cost, the lack of standardisation and regulation, the potential theft and vandalism, the maintenance and repair issues, and the weather and climate conditions.

To overcome these challenges and risks, you must do your homework and research, choose a reputable and trustworthy solar company and installer, secure and protect your solar panels, monitor and maintain your solar system, and use a backup power source or a hybrid approach. By following these solutions and tips, you can make your solar journey easier and smoother and enjoy the benefits of solar energy for years to come.

If you have any questions or comments about this article or need any assistance or advice on installing mono solar panels for your home in Pakistan, please feel free to contact me or visit my website. I would love to hear from you and help you with your solar project. Thank you for reading this article, and I hope you have a great day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon cells?

Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon cells are the two main silicon cells used to make solar panels. Monocrystalline silicon cells are made from single-crystal silicon grown and cut from a large cylindrical ingot of pure silicon. Polycrystalline silicon cells are made from multiple-crystal silicon, formed from silicon fragments that are melted and poured into a square mould. Monocrystalline silicon cells have higher quality and uniformity than polycrystalline silicon cells and have higher efficiency and durability.

What is the temperature coefficient, and why is it important for solar panels?

The temperature coefficient is the rate at which the solar panel's power output decreases as the temperature increases. The temperature coefficient is measured in percentage per degree Celsius (%/°C), indicating how well the solar panel can handle heat. The lower the temperature coefficient, the better the solar panel can perform in hot climates and the less output it loses due to temperature. The temperature coefficient is important for solar panels because it affects the performance and efficiency of the solar panel and the amount of electricity it can produce.

What is the degradation rate, and how does it affect the lifespan of solar panels?

The degradation rate is when the solar panel's power output decreases over time due to ageing, wear and tear, and environmental factors. The degradation rate is measured in percentage per year (%/year), indicating how long the solar panel can last and retain its efficiency. The lower the degradation rate, the longer the lifespan of the solar panel and the less output it loses over time. The degradation rate affects the lifespan of solar panels because it determines how long the solar panel can work and produce electricity and when it needs to be replaced or upgraded.

What is the performance ratio, and how does it measure the efficiency of solar panels?

The performance ratio is the ratio of the actual power output of the solar panel to the theoretical power output under standard test conditions (STC). The performance ratio is measured in percentage (%), reflecting the solar panel's overall efficiency and quality. The higher the performance ratio, the better the solar panel can perform in real-world conditions and the more output it can deliver. The performance ratio measures the efficiency of solar panels because it accounts for the losses and factors that affect solar production, such as temperature, dust, shading, wiring, and inverter.

What are the government incentives and subsidies for solar energy in Pakistan?

The government incentives and subsidies for solar energy in Pakistan are the policies and programs the federal, provincial, and local governments offer to encourage and support the development and adoption of solar energy in the country. Some of these incentives and subsidies include:

  • The net metering policy lets you connect your solar system to the grid and exchange electricity with the utility company. You can use the electricity from the grid when your solar system is not producing enough and feed the excess electricity from your solar system to the grid when you are not using it. You can then receive credits or payments for the electricity you export to the grid, reducing your electricity bills or generating income.

  • The Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) is the federal agency that regulates and promotes renewable energy in Pakistan. The AEDB offers various incentives and facilities for solar energy projects, such as tax exemptions, duty exemptions, low-interest loans, grants, and technical assistance. The AEDB also issues licenses and certificates for solar energy producers and installers and ensures the quality and safety of the solar systems.

  • The provincial and local governments also offer various incentives and subsidies for solar energy in their respective regions. For example, the Punjab government has launched the Punjab Solarization Program, which aims to solarise 20,000 schools, 187 basic health units, and 8,000 homes in the province. The program provides beneficiaries with free solar systems and installation services and covers the operation and maintenance costs for five years. The program also includes training and employment opportunities for the local youth, especially women, in the solar energy sector.

I’m Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer with over 10 years of experience in the solar industry. I have installed, tested, and reviewed hundreds of solar panels and accessories from different brands and models. I am passi…

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