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How to Choose the Best 3.2 KW Solar Inverter for Your Home

A 3.2 kw solar inverter is a device that converts DC power from solar panels into AC power for your home appliances.
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Key points

  • A 3.2 kw solar inverter is a device that converts DC power from solar panels into AC power for your home appliances. It is suitable for a small to medium-sized home that has a moderate electricity consumption.
  • There are different types of solar inverters, such as off-grid, on-grid, and hybrid, each with its advantages and disadvantages. It would be best if you chose the type that matches your grid connection and backup power needs.
  • There are different features of solar inverters, such as power rating, efficiency, charger type, battery support, and monitoring. You need to choose the features that match your solar system's size, performance, and functionality.
  • There are different prices and brands of 3.2 kw solar inverters, ranging from 95,000 PKR to 145,000 PKR. You need to compare the prices and features of different solar inverters and choose the best one for your needs and budget.
  • There are different steps and tips to install and maintain a 3.2 kw solar inverter. You need to follow the technical and safety guidelines and use the best practices and tools to ensure the optimal operation and lifespan of your solar inverter.
3.2 kw solar inverter price in pakistan

Hi, I’m Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer & have wide experience in dealing with solar panels. I’m also the founder and editor of Solareco, a solar panel website that provides informational articles about solar panels and accessories. I’m going to share with you how to choose the best 3.2 kw solar inverter for your home.

I decided to write this article because I faced a lot of problems and challenges when I was buying a solar inverter for my own home. I realized that there needs to be more reliable and relevant information and guidance for the common people of Pakistan who want to use solar power for their homes. 

I also found that many of the sellers and installers of solar inverters in the Pakistani market have less knowledge and experience of solar panels and solar inverters. They often try to sell low-quality or overpriced products to customers who don’t know much about solar power.

That’s why I decided to use my knowledge and experience to help you choose the best 3.2 kw solar inverter for your home. I have visited and tested different 3.2 kw solar inverters and compared their prices and features. 

Solar energy is a clean, renewable, and affordable source of power for your home. But to use it effectively, you need a solar inverter that can convert the direct current (DC) power from the solar panels into alternating current (AC) power that your appliances can use.

A solar inverter is one of the most important components of a solar system. It determines the Efficiency, reliability, and performance of your system. Therefore, choosing the right solar inverter for your needs and budget is crucial.

  • But how do you choose the best solar inverter for your home? 
  • What are the factors that you need to consider? 
  • What are the types and features of solar inverters available in the market? 
  • And what are the best brands and models of 3.2 kw solar inverters that you can buy in Pakistan?

I will try to answer all these questions and more. 

What is a 3.2 KW Solar Inverter, and Why Do You Need One?

A 3.2 kw solar inverter is a device that can handle a maximum power output of 3.2 kilowatts (kW) from solar panels. It converts the DC power from the solar panels into AC power that your home appliances can use.

A 3.2 kw solar inverter is suitable for a small to medium-sized home that has moderate electricity consumption. It can power up to a 1.5-ton inverter air conditioner, 0.5 HP water pump, washing machine, refrigerator, LCD, 5 fans, and 5 energy savers.

What is a 3.2 KW Solar Inverter, and Why Do You Need One

It would be best if you had a solar inverter for your home because the electricity grid in Pakistan is unreliable and expensive. You may face frequent power outages, load shedding, voltage fluctuations, and high bills. By installing a solar system, you can reduce your dependence on the grid and save money on your electricity bills.

However, you cannot use the solar power directly from the solar panels. It would be best if you had a solar inverter to convert the DC power into AC power that is compatible with your appliances. A solar inverter also 

  • Regulates the voltage 
  • Frequency of the power. 
It protects your system from 

  • Overloading
  • Short circuits
  • Other faults

What are the Types of Solar Inverters?

There are different types of solar inverters available in the market, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The main types of solar inverters are:

Off-grid solar inverter

Off-grid solar inverter type of solar inverter works independently from the grid. It stores the excess solar power in batteries and uses it when the solar panels are not producing enough power. It is ideal for remote areas where there is no grid connection or where the grid is unstable. However, it is more expensive and requires more maintenance than other types of solar inverters.

Types of Solar Inverters

On-grid solar inverter

On-grid solar inverter type of solar inverter works in sync with the grid. It feeds the excess solar power into the grid and earns you credits or subsidies from the utility company. It is ideal for urban areas where there is a stable grid connection and where net metering is available. However, it cannot work without the grid and does not provide backup power during power outages.

Hybrid solar inverter

Hybrid solar inverter type of solar inverter combines the features of both off-grid and on-grid solar inverters. It can work with or without the grid and can store the excess solar power in batteries or feed it into the grid. It is ideal for areas where there is a partial grid connection or where the grid is unreliable. It can provide backup power during power outages and also earn you credits or subsidies from the utility company. However, it is more complex and costly than other types of solar inverters.

What are the Features of Solar Inverters?

Solar inverters have different features that affect their performance, Efficiency, and functionality. Some of the common features of solar inverters are:

Power Rating

Power rating is the maximum power output that the solar inverter can handle from the solar panels. It is measured in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). Choose a solar inverter that matches the power rating of your solar panels and your electricity consumption. A 3.2 kw solar inverter can handle up to 3.2 kw of solar power.


Efficiency is the ratio of the AC power output to the DC power input of the solar inverter. It is measured in percentage (%). It would be best if you chose a solar inverter that has a high-efficiency rating, as it can convert more solar power into usable electricity. A 3.2 kw solar inverter should have an efficiency of at least 90%.

Charger Type

Charger type is the type of device that charges the batteries from solar power or grid power. It is either a pulse width modulation (PWM) charger or a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) charger. It would help if you chose a solar inverter that has an MPPT charger, as it can extract more power from the solar panels and charge the batteries faster and more efficiently. A 3.2 kw solar inverter should have an MPPT charger of at least 65 amps.

Battery Support

Battery support is the feature that allows the solar inverter to work with batteries. It determines the battery voltage, capacity, and type that the solar inverter can support. It would help if you chose a solar inverter that can support the batteries that you have or plan to buy. A 3.2 kw solar inverter should have a battery support of at least 24 volts and 200 ampere-hours (Ah).


Monitoring is the feature that allows you to monitor and control the solar inverter and the solar system. It can be either a smart LCD, a Bluetooth interface, a Wi-Fi module, or an Android app. It would help if you chose a solar inverter that has a monitoring feature that suits your preference and convenience. A 3.2 kw solar inverter should have at least a smart LCD and a Bluetooth interface.

How to Compare the Prices and Features of Different 3.2 KW Solar Inverters?

To compare the prices and features of different 3.2 kw solar inverters, you can use the following table that I have created based on my research and experience. I have selected five of the best brands and models of 3.2 kw solar inverters that are available in Pakistan and listed their prices and features.

Brand and Model Price (PKR) Power Rating (kW) Efficiency (%) Charger Type Battery Support Monitoring
Inverex Aerox III 3.2 KW 145,000 3.2 93 MPPT (65 A) 24 V Smart LCD, Bluetooth
Fronus Xeon 3.2 KVA 125,000 3.2 92 MPPT (60 A) 24 V Smart LCD, Wi-Fi
Voltronic Axpert VM III 3.2 KW 115,000 3.2 91 MPPT (80 A) 24 V Smart LCD, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
Homage Hexa Plus 3.2 KW 105,000 3.2 90 PWM (50 A) 24 V Smart LCD
Tesla Solar Max 3.2 KW 95,000 3.2 89 PWM (40 A) 24 V Smart LCD

As you can see from the table, the Inverex Aerox III 3.2 KW solar inverter has the highest price but also the highest Efficiency, the best charger type, and the most monitoring features. The Tesla Solar Max 3.2 KW solar inverter has the lowest price but also the lowest Efficiency, the worst charger type, and the least monitoring features.

The other three solar inverters have similar prices and features but with some variations. The Fronus Xeon 3.2 KVA solar inverter has a Wi-Fi module but a lower charger current. The Voltronic Axpert VM III 3.2 KW solar inverter has a higher charger current but a lower efficiency. The Homage Hexa Plus 3.2 KW solar inverter has a PWM charger but at a lower price.

Therefore, to choose the best 3.2 kw solar inverter for your home, you need to consider your needs and budget. If you want the best performance and functionality, you can go for the Inverex Aerox III 3.2 KW solar inverter. If you want the best value for money, you can go for the Fronus Xeon 3.2 KVA solar inverter. 

If you want the best balance between price and features, you can go for the Voltronic Axpert VM III 3.2 KW solar inverter. If you want the cheapest option, you can go for the Tesla Solar Max 3.2 KW solar inverter. However, I would not recommend the Homage Hexa Plus 3.2 KW solar inverter, as it has a PWM charger, which is less efficient and reliable than an MPPT charger.

How to Install and Maintain a 3.2 KW Solar Inverter?

Installing and maintaining a 3.2 kw solar inverter is not a difficult task. Still, it requires some technical skills and safety precautions. You can either hire a professional installer or do it yourself, depending on your confidence and experience. Here are some general steps that you need to follow to install and maintain a 3.2 kw solar inverter:

Choose a suitable location for the solar inverter

It should be close to the solar panels and the batteries but away from direct sunlight, heat, moisture, dust, and corrosive substances. It should also have enough ventilation and clearance space for cooling and wiring.

Install and Maintain a 3.2 KW Solar Inverter

Mount the solar Inverter.

Mount the solar inverter on a wall or a rack using screws and brackets. Make sure that the solar inverter is level and stable. Do not place any heavy or flammable objects on or near the solar inverter.

Connect the Solar Panels

Connect the solar panels to the solar inverter using MC4 connectors and PV cables. Follow the polarity and wiring diagram of the solar inverter and the solar panels. Use a multimeter to check the voltage and current of the solar panels. Do not connect the solar panels to the solar inverter when the solar panels are producing power.

Step 4: Connect the batteries to the solar inverter using battery cables and terminals. Follow the polarity and wiring diagram of the solar inverter and the batteries. Use a multimeter to check the voltage and capacity of the batteries. Do not connect the batteries to the solar inverter when the batteries are fully charged or discharged.

Connect the Grid to the Solar Inverter

Connect the grid to the solar inverter using AC cables and plugs. Follow the voltage and frequency specifications of the solar inverter and the grid. Use a multimeter to check the voltage and frequency of the grid. Do not connect the grid to the solar inverter when the grid is unstable or disconnected.

Connect the loads to the Solar Inverter.

Connect the loads to the solar inverter using AC cables and sockets. Follow the power and current ratings of the solar inverter and the loads. Use a wattmeter to check the power and current of the loads. Do not connect the loads to the solar inverter when the loads are switched on or overloaded.

Check the Display and Indicators

Turn on the solar inverter and check the display and indicators. Make sure that the solar inverter is working properly and showing the correct information. Adjust the settings and parameters of the solar inverter according to your preferences and needs. Use the monitoring feature of the solar inverter to monitor and control the solar system.

Maintain the Solar Inverter

To maintain the solar inverter, you need to clean it regularly with a soft cloth and a mild detergent. Do not use any abrasive or corrosive substances. You also need to check the connections and cables for any loose or damaged parts. You also need to replace the fuses and filters if they are blown or clogged. You also need to update the firmware and software of the solar inverter if there are any new versions available.

What are the Benefits of Using a 3.2 KW Solar Inverter?

Using a 3.2 kw solar inverter for your home has many benefits, such as:

Saving Money

You can save money on your electricity bills by using solar power instead of grid power. You can also earn money by selling the excess solar power to the grid if net metering is available. You can also save money on maintenance and repair costs, as solar inverters are durable and reliable.

Saving the Environment

You can reduce your carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions by using solar power instead of fossil fuels. You can also reduce your dependence on non-renewable and imported energy sources, such as oil and gas. You can also promote green and sustainable development in your community and country.

Saving the hassle

You can avoid the hassle of power outages, load shedding, voltage fluctuations, and other grid problems by using solar power. You can also enjoy the convenience and comfort of an uninterrupted and stable power supply for your appliances. You can also have more control and flexibility over your power consumption and generation.

What are the Challenges of Using a 3.2 KW Solar Inverter?

Using a 3.2 kw solar inverter for your home also has some challenges, such as:

High Initial Cost

You need to invest a large amount of money to buy and install a solar system, including the solar panels, the solar inverter, the batteries, and the accessories. You may also need to pay for the permits, inspections, and taxes. You may also need to take a loan or a subsidy to finance your solar system.

Low Availability

You may need more solar power available at all times, especially during cloudy, rainy, or winter days. You may also face seasonal variations in solar power production, depending on the latitude and longitude of your location. You may also need more roof space or shading issues that affect the solar power output.

Complex installation

You need to have some technical skills and knowledge to install and maintain a solar system. You also need to follow some safety rules and regulations to avoid any accidents or injuries. You also need to coordinate with the utility company and the local authorities to get the approval and connection for your solar system.

How to Overcome the Challenges of Using a 3.2 KW Solar Inverter?

To overcome the challenges of using a 3.2 kw solar inverter for your home, you can do the following:

Compare and Choose

You can compare the prices and features of different solar inverters and choose the best one for your needs and budget. You can also compare the costs and benefits of different solar systems and choose the best one for your return on investment and payback period. You can also compare the offers and services of different solar installers and choose the best one for your quality and warranty.

Optimize and Supplement

You can optimize the performance and Efficiency of your solar system by using the best practices and tips. You can also supplement your solar power with other renewable or backup sources, such as wind, hydro, or diesel generators. You can also use energy-efficient appliances and smart devices to reduce your power consumption and demand.

Learn and improve

You can learn more about solar power and solar inverters by reading books, articles, blogs, and forums. You can also improve your skills and knowledge by taking courses, workshops, or webinars. You can also join online or offline communities and networks of solar enthusiasts and experts.


A 3.2 kw solar inverter is a device that converts DC power from solar panels into AC power for your home appliances. It is suitable for a small to medium-sized home that has a moderate electricity consumption. It can save you money, save the environment, and save the hassle of grid problems.

However, to choose the best 3.2 kw solar inverter for your home, you need to consider the type, the features, the price, and the installation and maintenance of the solar inverter. You also need to overcome the challenges of solar power availability, initial cost, and complex installation.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many solar panels do I need for a 3.2 kw solar inverter?

The number of solar panels that you need for a 3.2 kw solar inverter depends on the power rating and the Efficiency of the solar panels. Generally, you can use the following formula to calculate the number of solar panels:

Number of solar panels = (Power rating of solar inverter / Power rating of solar panel) x (1 / Efficiency of solar panel)

For example, if you have a 3.2 kw solar inverter and you want to use 300 W solar panels with 15% efficiency, you can use the following formula:

Number of solar panels = (3.2 / 0.3) x (1 / 0.15) = 71.11

Therefore, you need about 71 solar panels for a 3.2 kw solar inverter.

How much battery backup do I need for a 3.2 kw solar inverter?

The amount of battery backup that you need for a 3.2 kw solar inverter depends on the power consumption and the backup time of your loads. Generally, you can use the following formula to calculate the battery capacity:

Battery capacity = (Power consumption of loads x Backup time) / (Battery voltage x Depth of discharge)

For example, if you have a 3.2 kw solar inverter and you want to power 2 kW of loads for 4 hours with 24 V batteries and 50% depth of discharge, you can use the following formula:

Battery capacity = (2 x 4) / (24 x 0.5) = 66.67 Ah

Therefore, you need about 67 Ah of battery capacity for a 3.2 kw solar inverter.

How long does a 3.2 kw solar inverter last?

The lifespan of a 3.2 kw solar inverter depends on the quality and maintenance of the solar inverter. Generally, a good quality solar inverter can last for 10 to 15 years if it is properly installed and maintained. However, some factors, such as extreme weather, power surges, dust, moisture, and corrosion, can shorten the lifespan of a solar inverter.

How much does a 3.2 kw solar inverter cost?

The cost of a 3.2 kw solar inverter varies depending on the brand, model, type, and features of the solar inverter. According to my research, the average price of a 3.2 kw solar inverter in Pakistan ranges from 95,000 PKR to 145,000 PKR, depending on the brand and model. You can refer to the table that I created in the previous section to compare the prices and features of different 3.2 kw solar inverters.

How much can I save by using a 3.2 kw solar inverter?

The amount of money that you can save by using a 3.2 kw solar inverter depends on the electricity tariff, the net metering policy, the solar system size, and the solar system performance. Generally, you can use the following formula to calculate the monthly savings:

Monthly savings = (Electricity tariff x Solar system size x Solar system performance) - (Solar system cost / Payback period / 12)

For example, if you have a 3.2 kw solar inverter and a 4 kw solar system that produces 480 kWh of electricity per month, and you pay 20 PKR per kWh of electricity from the grid. You get 15 PKR per kWh of electricity that you feed into the grid, and your solar system costs 500,000 PKR and has a payback period of 5 years; you can use the following formula:

Monthly savings = (20 x 4 x 480) - (500,000 / 5 / 12) = 38,333.33 - 8,333.33 = 30,000 PKR

Therefore, you can save about 30,000 PKR per month by using a 3.2 kw solar inverter.

I’m Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer with over 10 years of experience in the solar industry. I have installed, tested, and reviewed hundreds of solar panels and accessories from different brands and models. I am passi…

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