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550 Watt Solar Panel Price in Pakistan [Sep Update 2023]

Looking for a reliable and affordable way to alternative of Electricity? Learn everything about the 550 watt solar panel price in Pakistan
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 Key Points

  • A 550 watt solar panel is a large-sized solar panel with a rated power output of 550 watts.

  • A 550 watt solar panel can provide enough energy for most household or commercial needs.

  • The average price of a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan ranges from PKR 24,000 to PKR 32,000.

  • To install a complete solar system, you also need to consider the cost of other components and accessories, such as the inverter, the mounting structure, the wiring, the connectors, the batteries, etc.

  • To install a solar system safely and efficiently, you should hire a professional and certified solar installer who can help you with the site assessment, system design, permitting and approval, installation and testing, maintenance and monitoring of your system.

  • Solar energy can help you save on electricity bills, earn money from net metering, enjoy an uninterrupted power supply, reduce your carbon footprint, and increase your property value.

550 Watt Solar Panel Price in Pakistan [Sep Update 2023]

Are you looking for a reliable and affordable way to power your home or business with clean energy? Do you want to save money on electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint? If yes, consider installing solar panels on your roof or ground.

Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. They are made of solar cells, which are usually silicon-based, that absorb photons (light particles) and release electrons (electricity). The more solar cells a panel has, the more power it can produce.

One of the most popular and efficient types of solar panels in the market today is the 550-watt solar panel. This panel has a high power output and can provide enough energy for most household or commercial needs. In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know about Pakistan's 550-watt solar panel price, including its features, benefits, and installation process.

What is a 550 Watt Solar Panel?

A 550-watt solar panel is a large-sized solar panel with a rated power output of 550 watts. It means that under ideal conditions, such as clear sky and direct sunlight, the panel can produce 550 watts of electricity per hour.

However, the actual power output of a solar panel depends on several factors, such as:

  • The angle of the panel

  • The temperature

  • The shading, 

  • The time of the day. 

Therefore, it is more realistic to use the average power output of a solar panel, which is calculated by multiplying the rated power output by the performance ratio (PR).

The performance ratio measures how well a solar panel performs in real-world conditions. It is usually expressed as a percentage and ranges from 70% to 90%. For example, if a 550-watt solar panel has a PR of 80%, its average power output is 440 watts per hour (550 x 0.8).

To calculate how much energy a solar panel can produce daily, multiply the average power output by the peak sun hours (PSH). The peak sun hours are the hours in a day when the sunlight intensity equals 1 kW/m2. 

It varies depending on the location, season, and weather. For example, if the PSH in Lahore is 5 hours in September, a 550-watt solar panel with a PR of 80% can produce 2.2 kWh of energy per day (440 x 5).

What are the Benefits of Using a 550 Watt Solar Panel?

Using a 550-watt solar panel for your home or business has many benefits. Here are some of them:

  • Save money on your electricity bills: Using solar energy can reduce your dependence on grid electricity and lower your monthly bills. Depending on your usage and tariff, you can save up to 50% or more on your electricity costs.

  • Earn money from net metering: Net metering is a system that allows you to sell excess electricity generated by your solar panels back to the grid. This way, you can earn money from your solar investment and offset your initial cost.

  • Enjoy uninterrupted power supply: By using a battery backup system or a hybrid inverter, you can store excess electricity generated by your solar panels and use it during power outages or low sunlight hours. This way, you can enjoy an uninterrupted power supply and avoid load shedding.

  • Reduce your carbon footprint: Using solar energy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve environmental protection. Solar energy is clean, renewable, and sustainable. It does not produce any harmful pollutants or waste.

  • Increase your property value: By installing solar panels on your roof or ground, you can increase your property value and attractiveness. Solar panels are considered an asset and a sign of modernity and sustainability. They can also enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property.

How Much Does a 550-Watt Solar Panel Cost in Pakistan?

The cost of a 550-watt solar panel in Pakistan depends on several factors, such as the brand, quality, warranty, efficiency, and installation charges. However, based on my research and experience, I have compiled a table below that shows the average price range of some of the most popular brands of 550-watt solar panels in Pakistan.

The Canadian 550Watt Mono Half Cell Solar Panel in Pakistan costs approximately Rs. 42,900.

However, this is only the cost of the panel itself. You also need to consider the cost of other components and accessories, such as the inverter, the mounting structure, the wiring, the connectors, the batteries, etc.

The total cost of a solar system depends on the size and configuration of the system. For example, suppose you want to install a 5 kW solar system with a hybrid inverter and a battery backup. In that case, you will need about 10 panels of 550 watts each. The total cost of such a system will be around PKR 800,000 to PKR 1,000,000.

How to Install a 550-Watt Solar Panel in Pakistan?

Installing a 550-watt solar panel in Pakistan is not difficult if you have the right tools and expertise. However, hiring a professional and certified solar installer who can do the job safely and efficiently is always advisable.

A professional solar installer will help you with the following steps:

  • Site assessment: The solar installer will visit your site and assess your energy needs, roof condition, shading issues, and available space. They will also help you choose the best location and orientation for your solar panels.

  • System design: The solar installer will design a customized solar system based on your energy needs, budget, and preferences. They will also help you select your system's best components and accessories.

  • Permitting and approval: The solar installer will help you obtain the necessary permits and approvals from your local authorities and utility company. They will also help you register for net metering if applicable.

  • Installation and testing: The solar installer will install your solar panels on your roof or ground using the appropriate mounting structure and wiring. They will also connect your solar system to your inverter, battery, and grid. They will test your system for proper functioning and performance.

  • Maintenance and monitoring : The solar installer will provide a warranty and after-sales service for your solar system. They will also help you monitor your system’s performance and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.


Solar energy is one of Pakistan's best solutions for your home or business. It can help you save on electricity bills, earn money from net metering, enjoy an uninterrupted power supply, reduce your carbon footprint, and increase your property value.

A 550 watt solar panel is one of the most popular and efficient solar panels today. It can provide enough energy for most household or commercial needs. The average price of a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan ranges from PKR 24,000 to PKR 32,000.

However, to install a complete solar system, you also need to consider the cost of other components and accessories, such as the inverter, the mounting structure, the wiring, the connectors, the batteries, etc. The total cost of a solar system depends on the size and configuration of the system.

To install a solar system safely and efficiently, you should hire a professional and certified solar installer who can help you with the site assessment, system design, permitting and approval, installation and testing, maintenance and monitoring of your system.

If you want to install a solar system for your home or business in Pakistan, contact Solar Eco today. Solar Eco is one of the leading providers of high-quality solar panels in Pakistan. We offer a wide range of products and services at competitive prices. We also offer free consultation and quotation for your solar project.

To start your solar journey, visit our website, Solar Eco Solar Panels or WhatsApp us at +92-312-83-79-685. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


How many 550 watt solar panels do I need for my home or business?

The number of 550 watt solar panels you need depends on your energy consumption, roof size, and budget. You can use a solar calculator to estimate your solar system size and cost. Alternatively, you can contact Solar Eco for a free consultation and quotation.

How long does it take to install a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan?

The installation time of a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan varies depending on the complexity and size of the system. However, on average, installing a 5 kW solar system with 10 panels of 550 watts each takes about one to two days.

How much can I save using a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan?

The amount of money you can save by using a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan depends on your electricity tariff, usage pattern, net metering policy, and system performance. However, based on some assumptions, you can save up to PKR 50,000 annually using a 5 kW solar system with 10 panels of 550 watts each.

What are the maintenance requirements of a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan? 

A 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan requires minimal maintenance. You just need to regularly clean the panel surface to remove dust and dirt that may reduce efficiency. You must also check the wiring and connections for any damage or corrosion. Solar Eco offers a warranty and after-sales service for your solar system.

What are the environmental benefits of using a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan?

A 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan can help you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to environmental protection. Using solar energy, you can avoid emitting about 3.5 tons of carbon dioxide per year, equivalent to planting about 80 trees.

How long does it take to get a quotation from Solar Eco?

Getting a quotation from Solar Eco usually takes less than 24 hours. You just need to fill out a simple form on our website, Solar Eco Solar Panels, or WhatsApp us at +92-312-83-79-685 to provide basic information about your energy needs, roof size, and budget. We will then send you a customized quotation for your solar project.

What information do I need to provide for a solar quotation?

To get a solar quotation from Solar Eco, you need to provide the following information:

  • Your name and contact details

  • Your location and address

  • Your average monthly electricity consumption (in kWh or units)

  • Your roof size and type (flat, tilted, etc.)

  • Your preferred solar system size and configuration (grid-tied, off-grid, hybrid, etc.)

  • Your budget and payment mode (cash, credit, instalment, etc.) 

If you are ready to take advantage of the benefits of solar energy and install a 550 watt solar panel in Pakistan, don’t hesitate to contact Solar Eco today. We are the best choice for your solar needs. We offer:

  • High-quality solar panels from reputable brands

  • Competitive prices and flexible payment options

  • Professional and certified solar installers

  • Warranty and after-sales service

  • Free consultation and quotation

To get started, visit our website, Solar Eco Solar Panels, or WhatsApp at +92-312-83-79-685. We will be happy to assist you with your solar project. Don’t miss this opportunity to go solar in 2023 and enjoy the savings, earnings, comfort, and sustainability that solar energy can offer. Contact Solar Eco today and let us help you switch to solar. You won’t regret it.

I’m Ahmad, a certified electrical engineer and expert content writer with over 10 years of experience in the solar industry. I have installed, tested, and reviewed hundreds of solar panels and accessories from different brands and models. I am passi…

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